Places to go sledding in Richfield Check out Adams Hill Park
Adams hill park located in West side of Richfield, right on the border with Edina, is right out of a fairy tale with the original farmstead in-tack over the watering hole and perfect sledding hills. I am sure that who ever settled Adams hill park, wether or not his name was Adam they must have enjoyed, endless winter bliss.
Imagine Your Farm house Looks out over the sledding hill, I bet kids spent entire days going up and down the hill. They'd come in, cheeks rosy red. Buggers, dried on like pancake batter. Looking for some hot chocolate, and a hug from mom and story about how fast they went.
Lots of great homes Nestled around the lake as well what an amazing view that must be, it would be interesting to see how much value it adds to a home. I spent about a half hour here at the park getting the Drone shots and there was nobody sledding to speak of.
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